In the Okanagan, our yard is the place where we can have the biggest impact on our water supply.
The Slow it. Spread it. Sink it! An Okanagan Homeowner’s Guide to Using Rain as a Resource is an easy-to-use guidebook, showing local residents how they can easily capture and re-use the water that falls on their property.
Click here to download
Slow it. Spread it. Sink it!
17MB Second Edition PDF
There are many reasons for collecting and using rainwater. First, the water that comes out of our taps has been cleaned and treated at great cost to your water provider – and you, the taxpayer.
Using treated water on our gardens, and for other non-consumptive purposes, is not money well-spent.
As more and more communities adopt the use of water meters, and we start paying for the amount of water we use, saving water will mean saving money.
Find Slow it. Spread it. Sink it! (17MB PDF) here.
Underground Stormwater Infiltration Model Bylaw
To help local governments assess and manage the risk to groundwater quality that is posed by unregulated use of underground stormwater infiltration systems, this document contains the most relevant excerpts from the final project report, including:
- an information backgrounder to provide context for the issue and outline the steps to assess risk and integrate policy on underground infiltration into local government processes,
- a model Underground Stormwater Infiltration bylaw that can be adapted and adopted in its entirety, or from which clauses can be extracted and added to an existing subdivision bylaw, and
- an example Terms of Reference for an Underground Stormwater Infiltration System Plan.
Download the Underground Stormwater Infiltration Model Bylaw here.