Interview with David Suzuki & “The Nature of Things”

May 16, 2007

OBWB Water Stewardship Director Anna Warwick Sears was interviewed May 16 by David Suzuki for his upcoming show on Adaptation to Climate Change on the CBC program “The Nature of Things”.

The “Weather Report” episode is slated to air August 19, 2007.

From the CBC website:

Explores the evolving impacts and social implications of climate change. As the world reels from a series of unprecedented weather events, it is clear that climate change is forcing a fundamental re-evaluation of our most basic assumptions about energy, progress and values. Traveling through North America, the Canadian Arctic, India and China, the film follows a rising tide of corporate leaders, inventors, visionaries and local activists who are leading the movement for action on an issue many deem the most important of our time. August 19, 2007