El Niño is continuing, but is likely (79%) to transition to neutral conditions in April –June. The U.S. National Weather Service continues to forecast warmer-and-drier-than-normal conditions through the summer of 2024.
Okanagan Lake has recovered to seasonal levels (50th percentile), but there are some concerns that it may not reach full pool this summer, depending on precipitation levels for the remainder of the spring.

The B.C. River Forecast Centre’s March 1st Snow and Water Supply Bulletin is scheduled to be released on Friday, March 8, 2024. The bulletin offers a more detailed and comprehensive summary of the March 1st snowpack statistics and includes approximately 115 manual snow survey measurements (for the entirety of B.C.). The official snow basin indices are calculated within the bulletin. As of February 26, Okanagan automated snowpillows remain at below the 25th percentile for their historical records.