Bacterial Source Tracking – Kalamalka Lake Intake
Project Year:
Project Budget:$23,335
WCQI Grant:$18,000
Organization:Greater Vernon Water
Project Description:
The intent of this project was to identify the possible sources of fecal contamination in the north-end of Kalamalka lake. Higher than expected bacterial counts had been repeatedly found at both Kalamalka Lake water intakes. Greater Vernon Water (RDNO) completed bacterial source tracking at each of the intakes.. The data collected will help in the development of a watershed control program which may include goose/gull control, manure management, drainage/storm water retention and education and or enforcement. This project could benefit other communities in the Okanagan Valley by showing the value of knowing where E.coli originates, to help develop strategies in reducing or controlling inputs of fecal contaminates - an important component of a watershed control program.
Filed under:
Water Quality Project, WCQI Projects