Baseline Biophysical Inventory & Ecological Resources Management Plan

Project Year:


Project Budget:


WCQI Grant:


Mission Creek Restoration Initiative

Project Description:

The primary goal of this project was to restore fish and wildlife stocks and habitat. Complementary objectives were to conserve and expand biodiversity and species at risk, improve flood protection, and enable and encourage community stewardship. During this phase of the project, MCRI worked with a consultant to conduct a detailed baseline biophysical inventory (BBI) along Mission Creek from Gordon Drive to Casorso Road. Information gathered has guided the preparation of an ecological resources management plan before dike setback and habitat restoration commence at a recently acquired property adjacent to Mission Creek (3830 Swamp Road).

Deliverables included an ecological resources management plan, a detailed inventory database, and inventory mapping for ecologically sensitive areas, species at risk, and species presence or absence (fish, wildlife, reptiles, birds, and plants). The inventory mapping and management plan identified optimal dike setback locations and guide avoidance and mitigation options for species, ecosystems and habitats, and restoration work along Mission Creek. In addition, photo plots have been established to provide monitoring and subsequent inventory opportunities before, during, and after construction of the dike setback. Project success will be measured by the changes in biodiversity and ecological resources along Mission Creek over time.

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