Peachland and Trepanier Creek Watershed Protection Plan
Project Year:
Project Budget:$41,893
WCQI Grant:$22,500
Organization:District of Peachland
Project Description:
As water is extremely important to the health and economic well-being of local communities, the Interior Health Authority added a condition to the District of Peachland's 2009 Permit to Operate that source water protection planning be initiated as part of a multi-barrier approach to protect their water sources. The District completed Source to Tap Assessments and Protection Plans of both the Peachland (Deep Creek) and Trepanier Creek watersheds. The process of identifying potential hazards and conducting risk assessment allowed for the initiation of action on high-priority risk items. This included notification to BC Hydro and the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources of a bridge crossing and aggregate operation identified as a sediment source and development of a strategy to assess the risks from recreational vehicle use in the Peachland watershed. Collaboration with watershed users and other government agencies helped to bring awareness and to develop strategies for watershed protection into the policies and actions of industrial and other users of the watersheds. The outcomes assisted the District to identify where resources should be concentrated.
Filed under:
Source Protection, WCQI Projects