Royal Avenue to Strathcona Park – Sand Reinforcement Beach Restoration
Project Year:
Project Budget:$192,000
WCQI Grant:$20,000
Organization:City of Kelowna - Infrastructure Planning
Project Description:
A sustainable approach has been used to protect a 120m long section of Okanagan Lake foreshore from storm events that have previously affected upland erosion of public land.
This has been accomplished by replenishing beach sand (combined with granular material of different grain sizes for maximum binding capacity) to a 1V:3H beach slope combined with upland riparian planting. The imported material will eventually erode and be transported off site to the north by longshore drift, but it will prevent further erosion of the existing upland for an estimated 10 to 12 years. The amount of granular material introduced into the lake will be insignificant over the long term. Ongoing monitoring and maintenance will be involved to determine when the sands and gravels will need to be supplemented; however, with the restoration of riparian vegetation to stabilize the bank, the requirement for this maintenance is expected to diminish over time.
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