The Water Conservation and Quality Improvement (WCQI) grant program, as a component of the Water Management Initiative of the OBWB, is celebrating its seventeenth year.
- Total available funding for 2025 is $350,000.
- The application deadline is Friday, February 21, 2025 at 4 PM Pacific time.
Please note:
- Funding will be allocated valley-wide, with a total pooled fund of $350,000.
- All applications require local government support – Download this Notice (PDF) to learn more.
Submit your 2025 application online
Valley-Wide Funding
To encourage projects that are inter-jurisdictional in scope, enhance partnerships, and reflect the nature of our shared water in the valley, funding will be provided to projects with the most merit according to the OBWB board-approved scoring criteria, regardless of location.
Local Government Support
In past years, a formal resolution of support was required from a local government board or council. Local governments now have the flexibility to provide a letter of support that meets the following requirements:
- The letter must be signed by an officer (CAO, CO, or CFO) of the local government or the Mayor (municipality) or Chair (regional district); and
- The letter must be from the local government(s) with jurisdiction over the project area.
Click here to learn more (PDF) about the requirement for local government support.
Eligible Projects
Each year the Water Board announces an annual theme, prioritizing funding for projects that address current issues or gaps. Applications that address the annual theme can receive up to 10 bonus points during the selection process.
This year, the board of directors has chosen the theme “Source Water Protection” prioritizing projects that enhance community water supply health through source protection and/or studies to promote safe drinking water.
For more information on project scoring, please refer to section 3.7 of the WCQI Program Guide.
Eligible applicants are:
- Local governments
- First Nations
- Irrigation or improvement districts
- Community and non-profit groups
Please find the Program Guide (PDF) and Application Form (Word).
We encourage interested applicants to view past recipients for the size and scope of previously funded projects prior to submitting an application.

For more information, please contact the Office and Grants Manager at 250-469-6264 or
(Click to download fillable Microsoft Word documents to your computer):
Submit your 2025 WCQI grant application online:
2025 WCQI Application Portal
Before submitting your application, please ensure your Application Form has been completed and includes:
- A Letter of Support from your Local Government
- Any other Supporting Documents